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Learning Math Engine

This is a small test of how the engine of the game can adapt to the user:
Answer True if the equation is correct and False if it is incorrect. 

As you might have noticed, the more questions you get right the questions get harder....

How does this work?

The code above lets you see some of the logic, basically if they get the question right, then I see how fast they answered it. if they answer the question in about 3 seconds I then increase a streak variable.

Once that variable increases the difficulty increases.

Here is an image of a sample run I made:

As you can see, by the time the timer ran out I was already solving 2 digit questions

I will share a small test I made, playing this game, 20 times with 5 minute runs for each try. 
The colors indicate difficulty, the length of the color represents the amount of time I took for that difficulty.

Notice how the first run i was only able to reach level 6, but right near the end I was able to answer level 8 questions.. 

Obviously this brings many thoughts to mind is this really improving my math skills? 

test it out and maybe you can let me know if you feel you have improved. 

But going back to the subject of this post (Engine) I want to highlight the fact that the interactivity of this game adjusting the difficulty always kept me challenged and it somehow allowed me to reach higher levels than before.

My Thoughts:
-Everyone is different, adapting the difficulty makes the game more the right amount of challenging for players.
-The 8 answer streak seems to work but more testing is needed to proof that it is correct
-The 3 second rule makes the game very challenging but it might also need to be adapted depending on difficulty
-Times seem to be reduced with repetition 

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