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Learning Game: Art Duels (Part || Assets)

This post will concentrate on breaking down the Assets part of the game:

First lets Highlight our current list of important elements:
Assets: Stylish, Story line, Congratulate, Motivate, Challenge

Now a look at each element on the list:

Stylish: I am thinking about something like a boxing match publicity, facing off two boxers but in our case, two painters:
I really want to think of something cool for the HUD, something that makes it seem like a sports channel is showcasing the battle:

For the story line I think that the theme is perfect for telling the story with a timeline:

To congratulate the player I really want to have messages like Candy Crush has:

Finally in order to challenge the player I want to add a little personality to the players by adding a little smack talk before the duel, something very similar to Street Fighter:

Obviously sound will be playing on all of these cases, later on I will take a look at sounds.

If you have any more references to the type of art I am talking about please feel free to share them so that I can take a look at them.

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