Welcome to Impudia's Educational Game Blog. The goal here is to bring together knowledge from very talented people of all sorts of backgrounds in order to create Effective, Engaging and Educational Games. EVERYONE is invited to share your ideas and thoughts. Let the Games Begin!

Learning Game: Art Duels Thoughts

It was a very exciting experience to have the game show in school. Overall the experience was really positive. A good way to measure success is by seeing if kids smile, laugh, tease each other, and if they want to win.

Here is the game

My Thoughts:

1) Kids really liked the visual questions. Having questions that require attention more than knowledge helped all students get involved and motivated them to participate.
2) Painting reinforcement. Using the same painting but asking different questions helped students form different connections to the painting.
3) Student Interaction: I found out that asking them questions about what they thought of the game ended up giving me great feedback, they were really helpful.

1) Points took too long to show up
2) Students didn't use helpers (they just guessed the answer in 5-10 seconds)
3) No incentive to win made them not really care about competition. Students from all teams would answer the questions.

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