Welcome to Impudia's Educational Game Blog. The goal here is to bring together knowledge from very talented people of all sorts of backgrounds in order to create Effective, Engaging and Educational Games. EVERYONE is invited to share your ideas and thoughts. Let the Games Begin!

Learning from Lebron James

LeBron James is one of the best Basketball players in the game today. Night in and night out he just manages to bring 100% of his abilities to the game.

What does LeBron have to do with educational games?

well it is very simple, James is the physical representation of self motivation, hard work and goal achievement.

Since he was in high school, many believed he was going to be the next great one. This may seem like a wonderful thing, but it also came with a huge magnifying glass. Every bounce of the ball, every jump, every word was under extreme observation. This leads to many flaws being pointed out, and many haters attacking him.

But LeBron is a prime example on how you should react to criticism, he took what other people where saying, filtered out comments that had no real worth (like insults) and took a look at what he needed to improve in his game. And this is what he does every summer, he focuses on a task, on a particular aspect of the game he wants to improve and he works at it relentlessly until in is no longer a flaw but an asset he possesses.

But lets focus now on how this mentality can help us make better educational games. Lets break down the process:

  1. Learn about areas that need improvement.
  2. Set goals
  3. Work at them
  4. Review results
With this in mind I have created VCM (Virtual Challenge Manager). The goal of VCM is to provide the player with a set of custom challenges that they can attempt to complete, and keep track of their progress, always congratulating them on their achievements. 

As an example you can think of how you play video games, let's say Super Mario Bros. In my mind, sometimes I decide "let me try and beat the game in under 10 minutes" or "lets try and pass the entire game with small Mario" or "Let try and get over 20 lives" and so on and so on.

This is a gamers mentality, always striving to improve and beat tougher challenges. What VCM would do is that you would automatically get a set of challenges you might want to tackle next, all in exchange of a reward (virtual currency). 

I have developed a demo of VCM for this blogs Learning Game #2. The game production is still in prototype stage, so ignore all the programmers art.. The goal of the game is to build groups of 6 circles. in order to build a group you click on a circle and move around to get a sequence of 6 (only 6, any more or less doesn't count). 

Let me know what you think:

As you can see every time you complete a challenge you are given a tougher challenge to attempt.

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