Welcome to Impudia's Educational Game Blog. The goal here is to bring together knowledge from very talented people of all sorts of backgrounds in order to create Effective, Engaging and Educational Games. EVERYONE is invited to share your ideas and thoughts. Let the Games Begin!

Learning from ASAP Science

Today I saw a very interesting video from ASAP Science, you can check out their channel here: Channel

The question of this video is a very important question for Educational Games,

Can Video Games make us Smarter?

Here is the video, check it out and we can try to analyze it.

Important Notes:

  1. Increase in Cognitive function (Memory, Strategic Planning, Fine Motor Skills)
  2. Increased Attention Skills
  3. Object Tracking
  4. Future Jobs
  5. Skills are only good if you use them

My Thoughts:
  1. These skills are key components to Problem solving, a trait everyone needs on an everyday basis.
  2. This skill can help people focus and concentrate better, another trait that will help everyone do a better job at anything.
  3. This could be related to multitasking
  4. Anyone that is not fully literate in technology will be in great disadvantage in the future, having kids grow with educational games will prepare them for the future.
  5. It is important for the games to also encourage activities outside of the house, to help kids understand how to use what they learn. 

Some time ago I did a game very similar to the one of the colors on the video, check it out and measure how good you can get.

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