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Learning About technology in the Classroom

Here is an interesting video about using technology in the classroom

"Technology will not replace teachers, but teachers will be replaced who don't use technology"

Important Notes:
-Students Love it
-Engages the four key components of Learning
-Professional Development
-Makes life easier for teachers
-Improves test scores
-Helps students with low attention spans
-Learn from the experts
-Encourages completion of homework
-Saves Money
-Remove Obstacles

My Thoughts:
-Kids love looking at animations, interacting with the screen, listen to nice sounds and feeling in control of what they are doing and watching.
-Games will allow kids to compete with fellow students, collaborate with them and measure their own progress while playing the game.
-Technology literacy is crucial in today's world. and there is no sign of that changing any time soon. Kids can quickly learn new technologies, while adults are much slower to learn new things. This is why it is very important to teach them how to use technology early on.
-Teachers will soon learn that technology is nothing more than a great tool for them. it reduces tedious tasks and it assists them in learning about their students.
-Technology will adapt to the student needs, this will help them learn at their own pace, keep them motivated and this will result in kids ultimately learning.
-I don't believe too much in labeling students as low attention, I think they are just kids, and they get bored from class, it just makes sense they want to do fun things.
-Technology will open the world to knowledge from all parts of the world. This has been a main reason for my passion for educational games. I want every kid on the planet to have equal opportunity to learn.
-Homework can definitely be much more fun this way.
-A lot of free apps, will change the business of schools.
-Apps can adapt to any disability the kids may have.

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