Today I want to take a look at education. In order to make a successful game we need the game to provide education to the players.
I tried looking at many different videos, but this one was the one that I really felt a connection with. I really feel that the current system of teaching is by far less effective as it can be. For me a multimedia approach to learning can end up building very strong connections in our brains.
Important Notes:
-Learning by Doing
-Take you away from distractions
-The more you use a skill the stronger the neuropaths are
-When you experiment with new ideas or solve a problem you create new cognitive maps
-New pathways need to be reinforced, otherwise they vanish
-Reinforce with Positive feedback, practice using skills, mental rehearsal of using skills
My Thoughts
-Interactivity involves many parts of the brain and it can help create more paths
-A focused student can really improve their learning, I remember spending long hours in school thinking about anything but what the teacher was talking about, if I had focused then I could have learned a lot more.
-Repetition makes perfect, you see how NBA players make amazing shots, but in reality they practice those same shots hundreds of times per day.
-I wonder if there is a way to make kids associate new things they are learning with things they do every day, maybe that way their ideas would be reinforced daily..
-The idea of having the user take their knowledge and think of how they would use it in real life sounds like a great idea, I was always amazed at how many kids would ask their teachers a very simple question "When am I going to need this?" it seems like an instinctive question to me.